From: Tettenborn A.M. <>
To: Nicole Moreham <>
Dr Matt Dyson <>
Date: 18/12/2018 07:41:17 UTC
Subject: Re: Raising of healthy children

I see your point. But for heaven's sake keep human rights out of it. There are far too many of them as it is. Human rights are for rights that matter so much that a state doesn't belong in the ranks of civilised states unless it accords them to its people. The right to money for the costs of an unwanted child should be regarded as coming nowhere near this threshold.


On 18/12/2018 02:45, Nicole Moreham wrote:

Hi All,


I have not read this judgment in much detail but my response to these unwanted pregnancy/birth cases has always been that the loss at issue is not the cost of raising a child but loss of the choice about whether to become a parent.  It seems to me that once this is recognised, the need for irresoluble debates about blessings and burdens etc drops away.  Perhaps another area of tort where Article 8 should work its disruptive magic?


All best,


Dr Nicole Moreham

Professor of Law (elect)

Victoria University of Wellington

PO Box 600, WELLINGTON 6140



From: Dr Matt Dyson <>
Sent: Tuesday, 18 December 2018 4:40 AM
To: Tettenborn A.M. <>;
Subject: Re: Raising of healthy children


Dear all,

Many thanks, Andrew.

Does anyone know if there is insurance cover available for this kind of thing? Either for C (given the state of the law, more likely to be used) or D? A private IVF clinic seems like the kind of place there could be a market. Is this kind of loss something insurable, and that insurers are interested in? I have no idea. I do find this case at odds with what I think should happen, but I don't find the rule fully compelling so further applications easily feel the same.

All best wishes


On 17 December 2018 15:22:07 GMT, "Tettenborn A.M." <> wrote:

Confirmation in the English CA today in ARB v IVF Hammersmith & Anor [2018] EWCA Civ 2803 that contract, as well as tort, bars any claim for the cost of raising a healthy child. To remind you of the facts, a private IVF clinic storing Boyfriend's gametes implanted them without his consent, unlawfully and in breach of contract with Boyfriend, into (ex) Girlfriend, who produced a healthy child for which Boyfriend became responsible. Boyfriend can sue for breach of contract, but can he get any damages for the upbringing cost? In tort he can't (Rees v Darlington [2004] 1 AC 309); but can he in contract? No: the position is no different.

Probably right, in so far as it's invidious to award damages to a parent that demonstrate full well to a child of that parent that he was unwanted in the first place (though if that is so, the conventional award in Rees v Darlington becomes awkward). A slightly worrying statement at [37], however, that it's somehow unjust as such to give more rights to those who pay for a service (private patients) than to those who don't (NHS patients). I don't get that. Surely the point of having a law of contract is precisely to enable those who aren't satisfied with the meagre rights the state gives them as a matter of course to buy better ones if they want them.

Would the claimant have been entitled to the Rees conventional award? Logically it's a bit difficult to distinguish Rees. But we'll never know, since he didn't ask for it.








Andrew Tettenborn
Professor of Commercial Law, Swansea University

Institute for International Shipping and Trade Law
School of Law, University of Swansea
Richard Price Building
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Phone 01792-602724 / (int) +44-1792-602724
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Andrew Tettenborn
Athro yn y Gyfraith Fasnachol, Prifysgol Abertawe

Sefydliad y Gyfraith Llongau a Masnach Ryngwladol
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Adeilad Richard Price
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Andrew Tettenborn
Professor of Commercial Law, Swansea University

Institute for International Shipping and Trade Law
School of Law, University of Swansea
Richard Price Building
Singleton Park
Phone 01792-602724 / (int) +44-1792-602724
Cellphone 07472-708527 / (int) +44-7472-708527
Fax 01792-295855 / (int) +44-1792-295855

Andrew Tettenborn
Athro yn y Gyfraith Fasnachol, Prifysgol Abertawe

Sefydliad y Gyfraith Morgludiant a Masnach Ryngwladol
Ysgol y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Abertawe
Adeilad Richard Price
Parc Singleton
Ffôn 01792-602724 / (rhyngwladol) +44-1792-602724
Ffôn symudol 07472-708527 / (rhyngwladol) +44-7472-708527
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